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Interclub Leagues

The New Jersey Women's Tennis League (NJWTL) is a state league in which SLT&CC fields 5 teams. The league consists of 14 series with 10 teams in each series. Each team will play nine matches, one match a week. At the end of the season, the top two teams will move up a series and the bottom two will move down. For more information on the league, please visit the website by clicking the link below.

NJWTL Website

Practices and Matches
Players on our teams have an opportunity to participate in weekly team practices and matches. Seabright teams 1-4 practices on Mondays to prepare for their Tuesday matches while Seabright 5 practices on Tuesdays for their Wednesday matches. In order to be considered as a rostered player, you must be available for at least seven of the nine matches.

2024 Captains
Seabright 1 (Series 1) - Angie Frankovic
Seabright 2 (Series 1) - Julie Monahan
Seabright 3 (Series 4) - Karin Devlin
Seabright 4 (Series 6) - Alyssa Skirkanich
Seabright 5 (Series 11) - Jenn Egan

Roles and Responsibilities

If you are new player interested in participating on a team, or if you would like additional information, contact Andrej.
In order to improve and centralize communication in our State League, SLT&CC has partnered with TeamSnap. This app allows players to list their availability for each week's team practices and matches. Coaches and captains are also able to send emails and chats to their players. For more TeamSnap information and set up instructions, see the link below.

TeamSnap Information

Please see below the weekly communication deadlines regarding lineups and practices.

Seabright 1-5

Wednesday by 6:00 p.m. - Coaches send out post-match feedback to players.
Thursday at 9:00 a.m. - Deadline for players to list availability for the upcoming match
Thursday by 6:00 p.m. -Coaches send out the first draft of lineups to the captains. Captains will have 24 hours to communicate and desired changes.
Friday 6:00 p.m. - Deadline for captains to notify the team of the final lineup.
Saturday 9:00 a.m. - Deadline for players to list availability for upcoming team practice
Saturday 6:00 p.m. - Coaches will notify players of practice theme and players attending.
SLT&CC fields one team in a New Jersey Shore League. The league runs from May 3rd to May 31st. Matches are played on Wednesdays at 9:30 a.m.

If you have any questions, or are interested in joining, please contact Carol Belmonte.